

New release for windows.
Inculdes new installer and updated gtk libs.
Includes fix for windows specific midi input failure.
Please be kind and report any problems.

First release of win32 version.

Ctrl-Z Undos.
Ctrl + Select Adds to Selection.
Window Raise on Edit.
Clipboard shared among editors.
Items remain selected after edit.
Can now 'paint' notes / events in editor.
Paste buffer doesn't clear.
Added new rc file for custom named ports and CC codes (see example in tar).
Keypress Start (space) and Stop (escape).
Shift + Middle Mouse will now stretch events over range.

Seq24 News

2010-3-4 seq24-0.8.8-win32
New release for windows.
Inculdes new installer and updated gtk libs.
Includes fix for windows specific midi input failure.
Please be kind and report any problems.
2006-9-21 seq24-0.8.7-win32-beta-1
First release of win32 version.
2006-8-13 Seq24-0.8.7
Ctrl-Z Undos.
Ctrl + Select Adds to Selection.
Window Raise on Edit.
Clipboard shared among editors.
Items remain selected after edit.
Can now 'paint' notes / events in editor.
Paste buffer doesn't clear.
Added new rc file for custom named ports and CC codes (see example in tar).
Keypress Start (space) and Stop (escape).
Shift + Middle Mouse will now stretch events over range.
2006-4-16 Seq24-0.8.6
Menu Bug Fix.
Midi Options Restore Fix.
2006-3-28 Seq24-0.8.4
CPU hog bug fix.
Added LASH Support.
2006-2-16 Seq24-0.8.3
Fixed song playback freeze.
2006-2-15 Seq24-0.8.2
Fixed exit? message segfault.
2006-2-14 Seq24-0.8.1
Fixed --file loading bugs.
2006-2-12 Seq24-0.8.0
Sequence menus in Song Editor.
Looping Synced with Jack Transport
Midi Clock options for Song Mode
Split Loops in Song Editor
Manual Midi Ports (no auto connect)
Uses gtkmm 2.4
2005-8-23 Seq24-0.7.0
New Song Editor.
Misc Improvments.
2005-8-23 Seq24-0.7.0
New Song Editor.
Misc Improvments.
2005-3-24 Seq24-0.6.3
Misc Small Fixes.
2005-3-10 Seq24-0.6.2
Fixed a mutex problem that causes segfaults. Upgrade recommended.
Added Jack Transport to Options Dialog.
2005-2-22 Seq24-0.6.1
Added some new tools to note editor. (quantize, transpose).
Fixed some drawing code in note editor.
2005-1-11 Seq24-0.6.0
Bumped up 0.6.0-rc5 to stable 0.6.0.
Updated Documentation.
2005-1-10 New screen shots up of Seq24-0.6.0-rc5
2005-1-07 Seq24-0.6.0-rc5
Remote midi control for live mode finished (bpm change, screen set, mod keys).
Removed MIDI control from options dialog. It is now located in the .seq24rc file.
More drawing speed fixes.
2005-1-05 Seq24-0.6.0-rc4
Fixed some JACK transport problems.
2005-1-04 Seq24-0.6.0-rc3
Fixed some slow drawing issues and a few note editor snags.
2005-1-03 Seq24-0.6.0-rc1
New release with some major changes.
Reworked drawing code for sequence editor.
Now requires gtkmm-2.
Optional JACK Transport support.
Reworked note movement in sequence editor.
Added Undo feature in editor.
More standard file dialogs w/ filename tracking.
Added .seq24rc file for saving options and changing key mappings.
2004-9-26 Seq24-0.5.3
Fixed performance looping effecting live play mode.
Patterns can no longer be deleted or moved while they are being edited, no longer seqfaults.
Save file now stores BPM
Added menu item to clear performance data.